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Greater Philadelphia

Food Connect App is ready to stop hunger

Every year, 6abc partners in the region's largest food drive, helping our neighbors in need during the holiday season.

When it comes to feeding the needy, there is now an app for that. It's called Food Connect and it connects food that would otherwise go to waste with people who might otherwise go hungry.

Megha Kulshreshtha grew up in a family where money was always tight. "When my family came into this country, we, my parents had $20 in their pocket," she said. So as a young professional dining out in Center City, she was bothered by the amount of food she saw going to waste. "There is extra food around the city on a daily basis and there are people who need food on a daily basis," said Megha.

So she decided to create an app to connect those who have with those who need. When administrators at RHD Progress Haven in North Philadelphia see a post for surplus food, they simply click a button to let the restaurant, caterer or grocery store know that they are on their way. Once back at the shelter, they unpack the provisions. And incorporate the fresh food into the meal plan for the residents of what is Pennsylvania's only homeless shelter for couples.

Megha launched the app when the Democratic National Convention came to town. "We were able to get over 11,000 meals donated during that 11 day period and then we did it again for the NFL draft where over 20,000 meals were donated.

So now, the Food Connect App operates daily, providing a tax deduction for the donors and 12,000 meals a month for people in need. "Whatever we each can do to reach out and help somebody in need. It's just part of what we should all do," said Megha.

Extracted from:

Greg Argos and Kristen Johanson

6 Action News